嵌入式物联网平台事业群提供一站式服务,集成嵌入式主板与系统、软件、显示屏及外围设备,以客户为中心的设计服务,广泛应用于不同行业。 为解决IoT应用程序的市场问题,所有嵌入式解决方案可与全系列的无线数据采集解决方案集成,安全防护以及传感器到云的连接解决方案。
The embedded IoT platform business group provides one-stop services, integrating embedded motherboards and systems, software, displays and peripherals, and customer-centric design services, which are widely used in different industries. To solve the market problem of IoT applications, all embedded solutions can be integrated with a full range of wireless data acquisition solutions, security protection, and sensor-to-cloud connection solutions.